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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered an application for external alterations to include front extension and whole roof lift, balconies to Harrow Place and New South Promenade elevations and use of premises as altered as 113 self-contained permanent flats with associated car parking, bin store, boundary treatment and highway works.


Mr Johnston presented the Committee with a brief overview of the application and site layout plans.  He explained that the proposal was seeking to regenerate disused care homes and reconfigure Harrow Place to maximise the number of parking spaces on the one-way street to be created to provide a total of 81 on and off road car parking spaces for 113 flats.  In Mr Johnston’s view the proposed development was in a sustainable location with accessible bus, tram and train links. Mr Johnston presented the elevational plans for the proposed building and reported on the height and distances relative to properties on Harrow Place and Clifton Drive.  He confirmed that the majority of windows on the upper floors would be partially glazed to reduce the potential for overlooking houses and gardens in Harrow Place and Clifton Drive.  It was acknowledged that a first floor balcony would extend close to the boundary and to 10 Harrow Place but a privacy screen had been proposed and therefore it was Mr Johnston’s view that there would be no resultant privacy issues.  It was acknowledged that there would be some impact on the residents of 104-106 Clifton Drive and 10 Harrow Place but this had to be balanced against the regeneration benefits of the proposed development.

Mr Johnston reported that the application would fund the open space requirement of £77,228 towards the provision or upgrade of off site open space but would not support the affordable housing requirement and having considered the viability information submitted by the applicants this had been considered appropriate.  Mr Johnston referred Members to the Update Note that outlined a suggested amendment to proposed condition 15 relating to the obscuring of windows in the eastern elevation of the building and the affixing of a privacy panel to the eastern end of the first floor balcony to mitigate the impact on the occupiers of neighbouring properties.

Mrs Storton spoke in objection to the application.  She reported on the significant number of objections and signed petitions that had been received in objection to the application.  Although not averse to a reasonable development at the site, she expressed concerns relating to the impact of noise, loss of privacy and evening light on neighbouring properties due to the scale and shape of the proposed development and the inadequate parking provision contrary to policies within the Blackpool Local Plan and Core Strategy.  She also suggested a further conflict with policy in that the proposed development was not in keeping with the character of the area, particularly in relation to the height relative to other properties in the area and in terms of the building line of the proposed development.


Mr Boniface, the applicant’s agent spoke in support of the application outlining the regeneration benefits of the scheme and the employment opportunities.  A viability study had been undertaken and this had been shown to be the only viable scheme to redevelop the vacant properties.  He reported on the commitment to undertake the scheme and its aim to provide high quality family accommodation and the absence of any other planned development of the site.


Mr Cunningham also spoke in support of the scheme.  He reported on the need for good quality accommodation in the area and the derelict state of the current properties.  He expressed concerns at the impact on employees should the proposed development not proceed. 


The Committee held an in-depth discussion on the proposed development during which Members acknowledged the need for development at the site but expressed concerns regarding the height and intensity of the proposed building.  Further concerns were raised regarding the parking provision with only a relatively low amount of parking spaces for the exclusive use of the occupiers of the flats resulting in a reliance of a significant number of parking spaces that would be shared with the general public. In response to further concerns raised by the Committee regarding parking provision, it was reported that the intention was to provide a pay and display car park open to  the general public with residents of the proposed development paying an annual charge for parking.


Mr Johnston reported on the sustainability of the location and its distance to a Local Centre and the cycle parking provision.  He also mentioned that this was an attempt at a comprehensive redevelopment of this part of the Crescent/Harrow Place involving several different owners. He acknowledged the concern of the residents of neighbouring properties and reported on changes that had been made, for example the obscuring of windows and the installation of a privacy panel, to mitigate the impact.


Members of the Committee acknowledged the need for regeneration of the area but expressed concerns at the height of the building, the intensity of the proposed development and the level of car parking provision. 


Resolved:  To defer consideration of the application to a future meeting to allow the applicant the opportunity to amend the plans for the proposed development in view of the Committee’s comments.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.

Supporting documents: