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Agenda item

Application for a time limited Premises Licence- Lawsons Road Showground










The Panel considered an application for a time-limited Premises Licence for Lawsons Road Showground from 2 July to 3 July 2016.


The applicant, Mr Barr, accompanied by Mr Robinson, Events Manager, and Mr Hardman, the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor, were in attendance at the meeting and spoke in support of the application.  An updated Event Manual was circulated to Panel Members by the applicant and Mr Marshall, Licence Health and Safety Enforcement Manager confirmed that he had no objections to the information contained therein being considered.


Mr Barr explained that although the application had requested a Premises Licence for two days, the intention now was to concentrate on a one day event to take place on Saturday 2 July 2016 and therefore the request for 3 June 2016 had been withdrawn.  He advised the Panel of the Safety Advisory Group meetings that he had attended and his co-operation in resolving any issues that had been raised during the meetings as demonstrated in the updated Events Manual.  The experience of the applicant, the Event Manager and the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor were outlined in terms of managing similar events in the past and their knowledge of the local area. 


The Panel was advised of the measures that would be put in place to promote the Licensing Objectives.  These included security both at and in the vicinity of the event, public access to the event, organised public transport and a dispersal policy for people leaving the event.  Mr Barr reported that an area had been set aside for the potential use of an air ambulance but final confirmation of the suitability of the site and access arrangements was still awaited from North West Ambulance Service. 


Responding to questions from the Panel, the access arrangements to the event were outlined and these included the management of the entry lanes and the security checks that would be in place to deal with any potential issues.  The Panel was also advised that it would be a ticketed event so that the number of attendees would be known in advance and the event could be scaled down according to the number of tickets sold.


Mr Marshall, Licensing Health and Safety Enforcement Manager, addressed the Panel on behalf of the Licensing Authority.  He reported his view that it was high risk event in a high risk location with a potentially high risk demographic.  He reported positively on the comprehensive event management plan which appeared to have withstood scrutiny from the Safety Advisory Group at its meeting the previous day.  Although Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service had requested more time to study the plan in detail, it was noted that it had its own powers to deal with any fire safety related concerns. The issues related to medical provision appeared to have been satisfied and the concerns regarding public dispersal also appeared to have been resolved with the site being cleared by 11.30pm at the latest. 


The Panel noted the representations made by members of the public which mainly centred on the use of the land by the air ambulance, the congestion and parking problems in the area and the noise problems from a previous event last year. 

Members of the Panel noted that the Police had not made any formal representations to the application.  However, Mr Marshall reported on concerns raised by the Police relating to CCTV provision and advised the Panel of confirmation that he had received from the applicant that CCTV cameras would be in place at the entrance to the event and through the use of body cameras. 


Members of the Panel accepted the comments made on behalf of the Licensing Authority relating to it being a high risk event in a residential area.  The Panel noted the comprehensive event management plan that had been put in place and the experience of the event management team.  Members also noted the willingness of the event management team to engage with the Safety Advisory Group and its commitment to continue to engage with it.


The Panel noted that the licence was now only requested for 2 July 2016. 


Taking all the above into consideration, the Panel agreed that it would be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives to grant the licence, however, considering the risk associated with the event, Members considered it important that the management team continued to engage with the Safety Advisory Group to ensure the safety of the event and prevent inconvenience to nearby residents. 




1.      That the application for a time-limited Premises Licence for 2 July 2016 be approved, subject to a condition being attached to the Licence that the applicant must comply with all reasonable recommendations of the Safety Advisory Group.

2.      That, in the event of a disagreement between the applicant and the Safety Advisory Group as to the reasonableness of a proposed recommendation, the matter would be referred by the Head of Licensing Service to the Panel to determine the question of reasonableness.



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