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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered hybrid (part full / part outline) planning application 15/0420 comprising:


(a) full planning application for the erection of 118 dwellings with associated garages, landscaping, highway works and new access off Preston New Road.


(b) outline planning application for the demolition of the existing National Savings and Investments Building and the erection of offices (Use Class B1a) and light industrial premises (Use Class B1c) with associated roads, parking/servicing areas and landscaping.


Mr Johnston, Head of Development Management, presented the Committee with an overview of the application and site layout plans.  He explained that the 118 dwellings associated with the full planning application comprised of a mix of three and four bedroom detached, semi-detached and terraced properties. 


Mr Johnston stated that the site was allocated for employment purposes in the current Local Plan and as such the application, if approved, represented a departure from Policy DE1 of the Plan.  However, he reported on key changes in policy since 2006, which included the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and the Council’s recently adopted Core Strategy which recognised the need for enabling development on some employment sites.  The site had been vacant for some time and marketed without success.  The benefits from the proposed development were reported and those included an improved access from Preston New Road, the provision of land for light industrial use and the provision of family housing which would assist the Council in meeting its housing land supply requirement. 


The Committee was advised that a viability assessment in accordance with the Core Strategy had been undertaken and it was not considered appropriate to pursue contributions towards affordable housing, open space or education for the proposed development in this case because of the abnormal costs associated with the development.


Mr Johnston referred Members to the information contained within the Update Note and the additional information that had been circulated after the agenda had been despatched.  He suggested that an additional condition be attached to the planning permission that, if approved, restricted the proposed commercial units to B1 Use and advised that the scale, layout and appearance of the development would be subject to approval at Reserved Matters stage. In relation to the access from Preston New Road and the highway issues detailed in the agenda report, Mr Johnston confirmed that progress had been made on the design of the access and it was expected that any remaining highways issues could be resolved during completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement.  He concluded by reporting that the Head of Transportation had no fundamental objection to the proposal and this was confirmed by Mr Patel, Group Engineer, Traffic Management.


Mr Cartmel, public objector, spoke in objection to the application.  His main concerns expressed included traffic congestion, particularly with the addition of a new junction in close proximity to the three existing junctions on Preston New Road, the impact on local residents in relation to noise, vibration and drainage as well as the impact on local wildlife as a result of the development.


Mr Hopkins, planning consultant acting on behalf of National Savings and Investments, spoke in favour of the application.  He presented his view of the benefits of the proposed development which included the opportunity to provide a high quality residential accommodation in a sustainable location which would also assist the Council in meeting its housing supply requirement.  He reported on the close work that had been undertaken between planning officers and the applicant over the past three years and stated that, in his view, the current proposal was consistent with the NPPF and the Council’s Core Strategy.


On invitation from the Chairman, Mr Johnston responded to concerns raised by the objector.  He pointed out that the site had been allocated for development since 2006, albeit for employment purposes.  He confirmed that the highway assessment that had been undertaken had taken into consideration the impact of The Harbour mental health unit and the future development of the Whyndyke Farm site.  He confirmed that United Utilities was satisfied with the principle of drainage at the site and that it was not considered at risk of flooding.  The proposal also sought to demonstrate a lack of flood risk to the area around the site.  In response to a question from the Committee regarding surface water levels, Mr Johnston referred Members to proposed conditions 8 of the outline planning permission and conditions 13 and 14 of the full planning permission that dealt with foul and surface water drainage.   


Responding to further concerns raised by the objector, Mr Johnston reported on a habitat survey had been undertaken in relation to the two ponds.  He acknowledged that the proposed housing scheme would be situated at a higher level than existing neighbouring properties but considered that the distances between the proposed and existing houses would mitigate any potential impact on the amenity of nearby residents.  In relation to noise and vibration concerns, Mr Johnston confirmed that there was no requirement for a vibration study and, as the proposal would restrict the commercial uses to B1 purposes, and in view of the distance from neighbouring properties, he considered that there would be no impact in terms of noise on local residents.


Councillor Elmes, in response to the public objector stating that he was aware of the existing traffic issues in the area of the proposed development confirmed that although he did have knowledge of the traffic situation, he had not been involved in any discussions regarding it.


In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Patel confirmed that there would be a pedestrian/cycle crossing at the proposed new junction on Preston New Road.  He explained that the three existing junctions with Clifton Road, The Harbour and Mythop Road would link with the new proposed junction to provide a flexible and responsive method of traffic control to assist in the flow and movement of traffic.  In relation to questions regarding the manoeuvring of traffic at the proposed site, Mr Patel reported on discussions held in relation to refuse collection vehicles and adequate turning facilities were now shown on the plans.


Following a request for clarification  of the recommendation by a Member of the Committee, Mr Johnston confirmed that, if the Committee was minded to approve the application, full planning permission would be given for the residential development and outline permission for the demolition of the existing National Savings and Investments building with the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the industrial premises being the subject of a further planning application at Reserved Matters stage, which would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee for consideration.


Resolved:  That the application be approved in principle and deferred for delegation to the Head of Development Management, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement and subject to the proposed conditions, including the additional condition relating to the restriction of the industrial units to B1 Use.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.

Supporting documents: