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Agenda item


To provide an update on actions taken to address the recommendations of the Internal Audit on the CCTV service dated 24 August 2015.


Councillor Galley introduced the item, explaining that at the last meeting of the Committee, Members had considered the Risk Services Quarter Two report, which made reference to the inadequate assurance statement issued in regards to the audit of the CCTV service. The Committee had requested that an explanation be provided for controls being inadequate and a progress report be provided, detailing how the concerns of Internal Audit had been mitigated.


Mr Pertica, Head of Visitor Services, explained that Internal Audit issued the report on its review of the CCTV service in August 2015, following concerns relating to the lack of funding and investment available to the service for a number of years. He advised that there had been a limited capacity of the service to ensure that the required work in relation to asset management, business continuity planning, adherence to corporate policies and health and safety requirements, had been undertaken.


The Committee noted that there were still a number of recommendations that had not yet been actioned and questioned whether the level of risk was at an acceptable level for the service. Mr Pertica advised that the outstanding recommendations were not in areas that would pose any significant risks to the health and safety of staff or of the public and would not risk any reputational damage to the Council. He provided details of the recommendations that were still to be actioned and noted that many related to updating and maintaining the asset register, reviewing the frequency of stock takes and implementing appropriate service level agreements with neighbouring authorities who also used the service.


Mr Pertica advised that the report contained 24 recommendations, some of which had already been actioned by the time the final report was issued. The Committee noted that six recommendations had been classified as Priority One and five of those had now been actioned. Mr Pertica explained that work was ongoing with the Procurement Team on the sixth priority one recommendation.


Members raised questions relating to the recommendation to ensure appropriate insurance cover was put in place. Mr Pertica advised that it was hoped that this would be completed as soon as possible and he explained that the asset register needed to be updated first.


The Committee raised questions regarding the level of communication between the service and Internal Audit before the CCTV service went live. Mr Pertica advised that the service had not at any point ceased recording and that the change to the operation of the service was in its use of Business Improvement District officers and volunteers to monitor CCTV images. He noted that that all those working in the CCTV Control Room had completed Security Industry Authority training before they started and that they had to obtain the appropriate security clearance in order to gain access to the control room adjacent to the Police Station. Mr Jack, Chief Executive, advised that in light of the number of Priority One recommendations in the Internal Audit report, it would have been appropriate to reconsider the usual reporting cycles to Internal Audit and that this would be done in future.


The Committee noted that funding for reintroducing the monitoring of CCTV had been secured from external sources, such as the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Home Office and the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner.  Members questioned what the impact of the potential lack of funding in future would be and Mr Pertica advised that unless the service was financially supported by the Council and/or its partners, it would not be possible to continue monitoring CCTV images. The Committee considered that it would be appropriate for the Tourism, Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee to consider the impact of the service once its performance was able to be demonstrated.


The Committee agreed:

1) To request that the Chief Internal Auditor monitor the progress of the action plan and update the Committee on the completion of the recommendations contained within the Internal Audit report;

3) To recommend that the Tourism, Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee consider the impact of the CCTV Service once its performance was able to be demonstrated.


Background papers: Internal Audit Report – Review of CCTV Service

Supporting documents: