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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered application 15/0228 for the use of premises as four self contained permanent flats with associated landscaping/car parking and works following demolition of existing rear extensions and alteration to existing garage.


Mr Johnston, Head of Development Management, presented the Committee with a brief overview of the application and the site layout plans for the proposed development.  An aerial photograph of the proposed development site and surrounding area had been circulated to Members at the meeting.


Mr Johnston advised the Committee that there was no issue with the principle of converting the existing properties to flats and that the proposed flats would meet the requirement of the New Homes for Old Places Supplementary Planning Document. The application included adequate off street parking provision, an amenity area and bin and cycle storage.  Mr Johnston acknowledged that access to the car parking area would be adjacent to a neighbouring property at 10 Carlin Gate, but did not consider that the use of the car park would be sufficiently intensive to adversely affect the amenity of the residents of the property, particularly as the area would be partially shielded by a garage.


Mr Cove, public objector, spoke in objection to the application.


In response to concerns raised by the public objector regarding the impact on the privacy of residents of neighbouring properties, Mr Johnston reported that in his opinion he did not consider that the proposed development would adversely impact on the privacy of nearby residents in view of the location of windows on the side and rear elevations of the property and the location of the amenity area and given that the proposal included the removal of buildings to the rear of the development.


During a lengthy discussion on the application, the Committee raised concerns regarding the potential for further development should the application be granted, although Members accepted that they could only consider the merits of the application before them.  Further concerns raised by the Committee  included the potential future use of the property within the Use Class C3 should permission be granted, in particular its potential use for the purposes of providing care accommodation as an extension to the facilities of the nearby care homes owned by the applicant.  Members also expressed concerns that if the application was approved, the ancillary car parking and amenity area might not be reserved for use by the occupants of the flats.  The Committee was also concerned at the potential for the car parking and rear area to be developed without the existing buildings being converted into flats.


In response to a request from the Committee, Mr Johnston agreed to consider whether any conditions to address the concerns raised by Members could be attached to the planning permission.


Resolved:  That consideration of the application be deferred to the next meeting to allow the Head of Development Management the opportunity to consider and formulate any conditions which might address the concerns raised by the Committee.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the application.

Supporting documents: