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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered application 15/0625 for the use of premises as an indoor trampoline centre within Use Class D2.


Mr Johnston, Head of Development Management presented the Committee with a brief overview of the application and the site layout plans.  He reported that the application had been recommended for refusal due to the lack of a sequential test and the loss of employment land to a D2 use which was contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, DE1 of the Blackpool Local Plan and CS3 of the emerging Core Strategy. Mr Johnston reported that two sequentially preferable sites within the Town Centre had been identified, namely the former Apollo site and the former Syndicate site but these had been dismissed by the applicant due to their size.


Mr Johnston referred Members to the representations made by the Head of Transportation in the Update Note relating to an inadequate number of parking spaces for the proposed leisure use which in his view would exacerbate the problems with the already oversubscribed on street parking.  He also referred Members to the applicant’s response to the officer’s report and the Head of Transportation’s representations that had been circulated to Members under separate cover on 1st December 2015, which had included a letter from the site owners of the proposed development.


Mr Johnston concluded by acknowledging the applicant’s claims that other planning authorities had supported similar applications but reminded Members that each application had to be determined on its merits taking local needs into consideration. Whilst Mr Johnston acknowledged the employment opportunities that the proposed development offered, he considered that the loss of employment land was a material consideration, particularly in light of a shortage of available employment land in Blackpool, as demonstrated by approaches having been made to Fylde Borough Council to secure extra employment land to meet Blackpool’s future needs as defined in the emerging Core Strategy.


Mr Bowness, applicant spoke in support of the application.


Councillor Luke Taylor, Ward Councillor, also spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the application, the Committee noted that the site had been vacant for 19 months and there was no imminent alternative proposal for development despite it being marketed for a significant period of time.  Members also commented favourably on the financial long term investment and employment opportunities that the development offered as well as the health benefits for residents in both the local area and the wider locality.


Members discussed at length the merits of continuing to protect employment land, particularly in instances where the land had been vacant for a number of years with little prospect of an alternative development proposal being submitted in the near future.  The Committee also considered that the type of use that was being proposed, whilst accepting that it was a loss of employment land to a D2 use, would nevertheless create jobs in an area which was in need of employment opportunities. 


The Committee acknowledged that the proposal was contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies DE1 and BH12 of the Blackpool Local Plan and Policies CS3 and CS4 of the emerging Core Strategy but considered that there were a number of factors that outweighed the conflict with these policies.  Those factors included that there was no suitable premises within the Town Centre or edge of Town with sufficient floorspace for the intended use and the employment opportunities that the proposed development would bring.  The Committee also considered that the benefits to the community locally and within the Town as a whole that the proposed development would offer both in terms of health and leisure activities was a contributory factor that weighed significantly in favour of the proposed development. 


At the request of the Committee, Mr Johnston outlined the range of conditions that would be considered necessary and reasonable for the proposed development.


Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to conditions and the Head of Development Management be authorised to finalise these conditions and issue the decision notice.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications.

Supporting documents: