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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered application 15/0457 outline approval of the erection of a residential development comprising up to 54 dwelling houses, utilising existing access and including car parking and associated works, following demolition of existing buildings.


Mr Johnston, Head of Development Management presented the Committee with a brief overview of the application and the site layout plans for the proposed development.  He advised Members that the application was for outline planning permission with all matters reserved with the exception of access.


Members were advised that the application site comprised of a former social club with parking at the front and disused sports pitches to the rear and a sports pavilion.  The social club had closed in 2013 and the sports pitches had not been used for several years prior to that. Mr Johnston reported that following consultation undertaken with the Head of Leisure and Catering Services, the loss of sports facilities at the site was not considered a significant consideration as there were adequate sport facilities at other locations in the Town.  He also referred Members to the strong objections made by Sport England in relation to the loss of the sports facility although it had acknowledged the benefits of the financial contributions in improving sports facilities at Common Edge Road.   Mr Johnston also highlighted the financial contribution to affordable housing within the application which met the legislative tests. 


Mr Johnston reported on the Head of Transportation’s comments in the Update Note regarding access points for the proposed development and the applicant’s Transport Statement where an assessment of accident records had not identified any safety issues in the vicinity of the existing site access and Ribchester Avenue.  He confirmed that the issues regarding the road layout within the development could be addressed at the Reserved Matters stage. 


In conclusion, Mr Johnston advised the Committee that the material consideration of the loss of a playing field and the strong objection from Sport England was mitigated by the lack of need for the playing field at the site and the financial contributions to improving sports facilities at Common Edge Road which met the legislative tests.  He considered that this, together with the financial contribution to affordable housing, outweighed the objections and hence the recommendation was to agree to the application in principle, subject to a Section 106 agreement.


Mr Stone, applicant spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the application, the Committee acknowledged the poor condition of the site, the lack of use of the sports facilities in recent years and the need for affordable housing within the town.  They commented favourably on the proposed plans for the development.  However, Members did consider that the financial contribution could be better utilised for sports facilities within the Clifton ward area due to the need for upgrading the sports facilities in the nearby area.  The Committee requested that, should approval be given for the development, the Head of Development Management discuss with the Head of Leisure and Catering Services the option of directing the financial contribution towards sports facilities within Clifton ward rather than at Common Edge Road playing field for the above reason as it was considered that this was a preferred option which would also satisfy the legislative tests.  Members also asked that the relevant ward Councillors be invited to take part in the discussions.


Resolved:  To agree in principle the granting of the application, subject to conditions, and to delegate the issuing of the decision notice to the Head of Development Management subject to a Section 106 Agreement to his satisfaction relating to the payment of sums of money towards replacement sports pitch provision and towards off site provision of affordable housing.


Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications.


Supporting documents: