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Agenda item


To consider and recommend to Council The Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23.



Once approved by Council this document will form part of the Budget Framework.




The Executive resolved as follows:


To recommend to the Council:


  1. To approve the Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 including both the Borrowing and Investment Strategies which are set out in Appendix 5c and Appendix 5d to the Executive report.


  1. To adopt the Treasury Management Policy Statement, the three key principles and four clauses taken from CIPFA’s Treasury Management in Public Services Code of Practice and Cross Sectoral Guidance Notes (2021 Edition) set out in Appendix 5b to the Executive report.


  1. To approve the revised Prudential Indicators and limits for 2022/23 and the new Prudential Indicators and limits for 2022/23 – 2024/25 which are set out in Appendix 5e to the Executive report.


  1. To approve the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement for 2022/23, which will ensure a prudent Minimum Revenue Provision charge in the annual statement of accounts. The policy is set out in Appendix 5f to the Executive report.


Supporting documents: