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Agenda item


To consider planning application 20/0129 for the use of the property as a residential care home for up to two persons aged 8-17 at 124 Norbreck Road.


The Committee considered planning application 20/0219 that sought permission for the use of a bungalow at 124 Norbreck Road as a residential care home for up to two persons aged 8-17 years old.


Ms Parker, Head of Development Management, provided an overview of the application and presented site location and layout plans and an aerial view of the site.  She reminded the Committee that it had deferred the application at its last meeting to allow for investigations to be made into the use of the facility at 66-66a Norbreck Road, Blackpool which was located within 400 metres of the application site.  Following a visit to the premises at 66-66a Norbreck Road, Blackpool and discussions with the operator of the facility and colleagues from the Council’s Children’s Services department, Ms Parker confirmed her view that the facility supported living accommodation for young people aged 16 to 18 years of age and she reported on the differences between this and a children’s home.  In her view, the use of the two premises was materially different in planning terms and as such the locational requirements of Policy BH24 for the current planning application had been met. Ms Parker also advised the Committee on another concern raised recently regarding a further property at 11 Guildford Avenue, Blackpool which was also within 400 metres of the application site, however, following a visit to the property, she was satisfied that this was a private dwelling. 


Ms Parker referred the Committee to the support for the application from the Council’s Children’s Services department and the lack of objection from the Head of Transportation. Referring to the comments made by Environmental Protection, Ms Parker suggested that, should the Committee be minded to approve the application, a further condition should be added to the planning permission to secure sound proofing to protect the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties. She also referred to the recommendation for the Committee to agree the application in principle and delegate approval to the Head of Development Management subject to conditions and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement requiring the young people to be placed in the care home by, or in agreement with, Blackpool Council. 


Ms Kerrone, member of the public, spoke in objection to the application.  Her main concerns included the impact on the residential amenity and character of the area and the potential for the proposal to undermine efforts to promote community cohesion.  Further concerns related to the impact on vulnerable residents from an exacerbation of the existing anti-social behaviour and crime issues in the area.  She also advised on her view of how the proposal would conflict with the aims of Policy BH24.


Mr Lee, applicant, spoke in support of the application.  He referred to the key assumptions made by objectors relating to age which, in his view, could not lawfully be considered and fear of anti-social behaviour which might not come to fruition.  He also referred to the facility at 66-66a Norbreck Road and advised on his view of the difference between this facility and the regulated provision of care offered by the proposed care home.


Councillor Mrs Callow, spoke in objection to the application on behalf of local residents.

Her key concerns related to fear and the impact on elderly residents in the area.  She

referred to the character of the area and its demographic and disputed the planning

officer’s views on human rights issues, suitability of the property and

adequate parking provision.  Reference was also made on the impact on the local area

and the town from the number of recently approved childrens homes and the close

proximity and issues of the facility at 66-66a Norbreck Road.  She asked the

Committee on behalf of the residents of Norbreck ward and the town to refuse the

application based on fear.


Ms Parker, Head of Development Management, referred to the aims of the recently approved approach to granting permission for children’s homes in terms of increased control.  She also advised that little weight could be attached to emerging Policy DM3 due to the Local Plan Part 2 not yet having been adopted.  Responding to further concerns raised, Ms Parker referred to discussions at the last Committee meeting with regard to fear and reiterated her view on the lack of a justifiable basis for assumptions of anti-social behaviour.  She also referred to the recommendation for approval subject to a Section 106 agreement requiring Children’s Services’ involvement in the placement of children in the home.


During consideration of the application, the Committee raised concerns regarding the facility at 66-66a Norbreck Road and its similarity to the current proposal and the potential detrimental impact this could have on the amenity of local residents.  Responding to questions and concerns raised by the Committee, Ms Parker referred to the legislative differences between the supported living accommodation at 66-66a Norbreck Road and the proposed children’s home.  She also referred to the controls that would be in place at the proposed childrens home in terms of placement of children through securing the Section 106 agreement. Ms Aldridge, Head of Corporate Delivery Performance and Commissioning, expanded on the difference in provision between childrens homes and supported living accommodation and advised on the enhanced level of control provided by the regulation of children’s homes.  She also advised on the involvement of Children’s Services in the initial placement of children and its interest in managing issues from care homes from a safeguarding perspective and to ensure children were receiving adequate support.


Following further consideration of the application, the majority view of the Committee was that the application be approved subject to conditions and the agreement of a Section 106 agreement.


Resolved: To agree the application in principle and delegate approval to the Head of Development Management, subject to conditions including the additional condition relating to sound proofing and on receipt of a Section 106 legal agreement and for the reasons outlined in the decision notice.


The decision notice, when available, can be accessed via the link below:



Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


NOTE: Councillor D Coleman, having declared a prejudicial interest, left the meeting during consideration of this item and took no part in the discussions or voting on the application.


Supporting documents: