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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission,

details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered planning application 20/0219 that sought permission for the use of a bungalow at 124 Norbreck Road, Blackpool as a residential care home for up to two persons aged 8-17 years old.


Mr Shaw, Principal Planning Officer, provided an overview of the application.  He advised on the requirement for any permission granted to be subject to a Section 106 legal agreement requiring the applicant to work with the Council in relation to the placement of children within the home.  He referred to the requirement of a further condition relating to sound installation recommended by Environmental Protection which would need to be included if Members were minded to approve the application.  Mr Shaw advised on the key requirements of Policy BH24, which included the requirement for there to be no property with a similar facility located within 400 metres. Mr Shaw advised the Committee on a recent notification of a potential similar facility at 66-66a which was located within 400 metres of the application premises and the need for further clarity as to this property’s specific use.  In view of the current uncertainty as to the use of 66-66a Norbreck Road Mr Shaw recommended deferral of the application to allow further investigations to be made.





Mrs Kerrone, member of the public, spoke in objection to the application.  Her main concern related to the use of the property at 66-66a Norbreck Road, which in her view conflicted with Policy BH24 due to it housing looked after children and its location within 400 metres of the application premises which, in her view, would cause an exacerbation of the existing issues. 


Mr Lee, Applicant, accompanied by Mr Chadwick, Proposed Homes Manager, spoke in support of the application.  He advised on the ethos, goals and values of his organisation, which included providing children with appropriate care and support to help them function within the community. He referred to the objections to the application, which in his view were based on unfounded assumptions.  He also referred the flexibility of Policy BH24 and his view that the application complied with policy.


Councillor Mrs Callow, Ward Councillor, spoke in objection to the application.  She referred to the application premises’ proximity to 66-66a Norbreck Road and raised concerns relating to this property.  Further concerns rasied by Councillor Mrs Callow included the placement of children from outside of the borough, her view of the unsuitability of the property and location and insufficient parking provision.  She asked that the Committee refuse the application based on local residents’ fear, close proximity to a similar facility and potential impact on local residents. 


Mr Bramhall, member of the public, spoke in objection to the application.  He advised on his view that the application was contrary to Policy BH24 due to its proximity to a similar facility. Further concerns related to the applicant’s business model and the significant number of objections received to the proposal.


Ms Parker, Head of Development Management, referred to the change in the recommendation to request deferral to enable investigations into the use of 60-66a Norbreck Road to be made.  In relation to a reference made to the applicability of Policy BH24 to non-C2 uses, Ms Parker advised that the policy was still considered to be relevant to care and supported-living uses that might fall outside of this class.  With regards to fear as a potential grounds for refusal, Ms Parker acknowledged that it was a valid planning consideration but referred to Planning Inspectorate decisions that determined that there was no reasonable justification to assume that a properly managed care home would result in local disturbance and anti-social behaviour.  She also reported on the aim of Section 106 legal agreement to control the placement of out of borough children. She reminded Members that an organisation’s business model was not a planning consideration.


Ms Aldridge, Head of Corporate Delivery, Performance and Commissioning, provided the Committee with a brief overview of the challenges faced by chidren’s services in relation to the placement of looked after children.  She advised that children’s services would work with the planning department in the investigation of the use of the facility at 60-66a Norbreck Road.






Resolved:  To defer the application to allow the detailed assessment of the facility at 66-66a Norbreck Road to be undertaken.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


NOTE: Councillor D Coleman, having declared a prejudicial interest, had left the meeting prior to consideration of this item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


ADDITIONAL NOTE:  Councillor Jackson was present but unable to participate during consideration of this item due to technical issues.


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