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Agenda item


To inform and seek support from scrutiny on the production of a Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) Strategy.


Mr John Hawkin, Head of Leisure Services advised that the development of a Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy had been deemed necessary following the results of a mapping exercise that demonstrated that Blackpool had the lowest tree canopy cover in England, was intensely urban and that 5,000 people less than the national average used the outdoor environment each week.


He highlighted that evidence suggested that green and blue infrastructure reduced surface water and flooding and therefore seawater quality, encouraged people to play, walk and cycle, increased employee productivity and improved the mental health of adults and children.


The Committee noted that there were a number of identified key recommendations to build green and blue infrastructure and, that in order to be successful in making improvements, the creation of the Strategy must be incorporated into the Town Centre Strategy, the Leisure Quarter Masterplan and the Enterprise Zone Masterplan, as well as all other significant new developments. It was commented that in order to achieve this, the green and blue implications of all decisions taken must be considered.


Members raised concerns that some wards that were very low on green space had not been addressed within the Strategy. In response, Mrs Judith Mills, Consultant in Public Health advised that a series of consultation events were being held in order to identify specific areas requiring improved green infrastructure and in order to determine if the strategy was correctly balanced.


The proposal within the Strategy to work with individual businesses and public sector organisations was considered and it was suggested that the Council must ensure that other policies were not contravened in the bid to create an attractive setting. Members raised particular concerns regarding the potential use of takeaway food outlets and establishments selling alcohol to provide items such as tree skirts and planting boxes that would advertise their business.


Further concerns were raised regarding the maintenance costs relating to an increased number of green spaces and the need to ensure infrastructure was carefully managed. Despite the potential costs, which would need to be carefully considered, Members considered that there was a need to improve the offer of green spaces, particularly in areas such as the Promenade, which had been designed with a focus on sea defence.


The Committee commented that the Strategy was inspirational and the emphasis on partnership was important given the costs associated with creating and maintaining green spaces. It was noted that the Tourism, Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee had resolved to establish a cross- Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group to consider the Strategy further and Members of the Resilient Communities and Children’s Scrutiny Committee agreed that further input and development was required.


The Committee agreed:

1)      To establish a Task and Finish Group in conjunction with the other Scrutiny Committees to feed into the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy in more detail.

2)      To appoint Councillors O’Hara, Owen and Mrs Scott to the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy Task and Finish Group.

3)      To forward the following considerations to the Task and Finish Group:

a.      That the Council must not contradict other policies including those on alcohol advertising and fast food advertising in the pursuit of achieving the aims set out in the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy.

b.      That the Green and Blue Implications of decisions taken be considered and clearly set out within reports.

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