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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission,

details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered planning application 18/0331 seeking permission for the erection of decking and an external play area to first floor level enclosed by 3 metres high fencing with staircase enclosure at St Kentigern’s Catholic Primary School, Newton Drive.


Mr Mark Shaw, Principal Planning Officer, provided the Committee with an overview of the application and presented an aerial view of the site, site location, layout and elevational plans.  He highlighted the separation distances between the rear of the play deck and the outbuildings of the residential properties on Bryan Road.  He reported that whilst the residential properties on Bryan Road were in the Raikes Hall Conservation Area, St. Kentigern’s Catholic Primary School was outside of the Conservation Area.  Mr Mark Shaw went on to report the increased outside play area per child of 0.7sqm, should the development be approved. He reported on the steps proposed to be taken to safeguard the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties which included an obscure film affixed to the velux windows facing Bryan Road to prevent overlooking and, following discussions with colleagues in Environmental Protection, the provision of a 3 metres high fencing and solid wall intended as an acoustic barrier between the school and the properties.  The Committee was referred to the proposed condition that would be attached to the permission if approved to restrict the use of the play area to one hour per school day made up of 3 twenty minute sessions throughout the day.  Mr Mark Shaw referred Members to the Update Note that provided sketches depicting comparative data of play areas for other schools.


Mr Holmes, a member of the public, spoke in objection to the application.  His main objections related to the impact on the amenity of the residents of neighbouring properties in terms of increased noise and the scale and design of the development which in his view was not in keeping with the area.  He also questioned the officer’s assessment of the social benefit of the development in view of the relatively low increase in play space and number of children that would benefit.

Mr Oram, the Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application.  He reported on the increased number of pupils at the school and limited outdoor play space available.  He referred to the sketches in the Update Note that showed a school with fewer pupils and more play area.  He reported on the current outdoor play area and the proposed access and design for the new play area.  He referred to the objections raised and highlighted the 3 metres high fence that was proposed as part of the development which in his view would prevent views to neighbouring properties.


Mr Mark Shaw referred to the concerns regarding the impact of noise on residents of neighbouring properties and referred Members to the proposed conditions that were designed to protect the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties by restricting the hours of use of the play area and the provision of acoustic fencing. In respect of the objections relating to light and overlooking, Mr Mark Shaw highlighted that the development was to the North of the properties and the separation distances between the proposed fence and the rear outbuildings of the properties on Bryan Road.


The Committee considered the application and acknowledged the benefits in providing an increased play area but were mindful of the residents’ concerns regarding the potential impact of the proposed development on their amenity.  It also considered that it would be beneficial for residents to be provided with more information on the scale and design of the development.


Resolved:  To defer the application to a future meeting to allow the opportunity for discussions to take place between the applicant and the objectors.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.

Supporting documents: