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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission,

details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered application 18/0136 for external alterations including provision of cycle/bin stores to rear and use of premises as six self-contained permanent flats following demolition of single storey rear extension.


Mr Shaw, Principal Planning Officer, gave a brief overview of the application and presented the proposed plans for the development and aerial views of the site. He also circulated colour photographs of the condition of the property. Mr Shaw referred Members to the information in the Update Note that contained two additional letters of objection.  The Update Note also provided further information on the viability assessment which included a conclusion on the viability assessment that had been provided by a member of the Council’s Growth and Prosperity Team.


Mr Shaw reported on the updated Holiday Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document and Policy CS23 of the Core Strategy, both of which sought to protect holiday accommodation in designated areas and to only allow hotels to change to non-holiday use in exceptional circumstances.  The exceptional circumstances included where there was no reasonable prospect of the property continuing to trade in holiday use, when the new use was compatible with holiday uses and where the new use provided regeneration benefits. Mr Shaw also referred to a study that had demonstrated an oversupply of 14,000 bed spaces in the town.


Mr White, member of the public, spoke in objection of the application on behalf of Stay Blackpool and cited concerns with the principle of converting holiday accommodation into flats and the potential that the granting of this application would set a precedent for future similar applications. He also disputed the amounts quoted in the viability assessment and raised concerns relating to the potential negative impact on the area in the event that the property was subsequently converted into shared occupancy accommodation.


A representative of the applicant was also in attendance at the meeting and in response to a question from the Committee confirmed the intention to realise a monthly rental income from each flat of approximately £500 - £550.


In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Shaw confirmed that the quality of the proposed accommodation met both local and national guidelines.  He also referred to a condition that would be attached to the permission, if granted that would not allow for subsequent subdivision or sub-letting of the property. The Chairman responded to concerns regarding the potential setting of a precedent by confirming that all planning applications were determined on their own merits.


The Committee noted that the property was derelict and had remained vacant for a number of years and that it was located in a designated holiday accommodation area.  Whilst the Committee accepted that the proposed development was in a holiday accommodation area, it also had regard to the viability assessment and the lack of an alternative viable option.  It noted the location of the property in relation to neighbouring properties and the benefits of converting a derelict building into high quality accommodation.


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons set out in the Appendix to the minutes.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


Supporting documents: