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Agenda item


To review the performance of Leisure Services with an emphasis on service delivery, statistics, performance indicators and customer satisfaction. 


Mr John Blackledge, Director of Community and Environmental Services presented an overview of the performance of Leisure Services with an emphasis on the robust performance management system, improved facilities and increasing patronage. He highlighted that a key concern for the Service was balancing commercial marketing and profitability with inclusion and access for all.


The Committee considered the net cost to the Council of £699,000 to provide Leisure Services and questioned whether it could be reduced and if the costs were sustainable moving forward. In response, Mr Blackledge advised that when considering the net cost it was important to also consider that more than one million attendances were made to activities and facilities provided across Blackpool and the health benefits of the visits. He added that despite the large budget cuts made over the previous years, the value of Leisure provision had ensured the continuation of services. Furthermore, the Council was continuing to increase income in order to reduce costs.


Members queried whether, due to the positive impact upon health from participating in sport and leisure activities, a contribution to costs was sought from the NHS. Mr Blackledge advised that no direct contribution was made, however, the NHS often referred patients to specific leisure programmes, which people continued once the referral period had been completed. Mr John Hawkin, Head of Leisure and Catering Services added that due to a change in the way VAT was calculated, the Council was expecting costs to reduce by approximately £250,000 next year and to receive a rebate of previous tax paid up to a total of £500,000.


The quality of amateur sports teams in Blackpool was noted and Members queried whether the Council demonstrated the quality of teams when applying for funding from Sports England and other funding organisations. Mr Blackledge advised that the town had been very successful in obtaining external funding for facilities and teams and cited the £4.395 million Lottery Funding for the development of Palatine Leisure Centre as one example. Mr Hawkin added that a number of small grant applications had recently been made including a bid to the Lancashire Football Association for a new 3G pitch at Stanley Park.


The Committee noted the 9% decline in patronage in 2017 of the Health and Fitness services and raised concerns that new commercial gyms had enhanced facilities. In reply, Mr Blackledge informed Members that work was ongoing with Big Wave Media who specialised in supporting local authority leisure providers in commercial aspects of the business. He advised that the skills of managers were being increased and the decline in patronage had resulted in reduced retention rather than a reduction in new patrons.


Discussions were also held by the Committee on the Active Blackpool programme, Learn to Swim, the Feel Good Factory and Outdoor Activities. It was noted that the swim programme continued to grow and that additional outdoor activities were being considered such as sailing in Stanley Park. In response to a question, Mr Blackledge advised that the beach was a resource and an opportunity, however, events needed to be scheduled around the tide which limited the ability to hold regular sessions.


Members considered the challenge to the service of the aging condition of the buildings and facilities on offer, in particular, facilities such as changing rooms and toilets which must be of a high standard in order to compete with commercial providers. Mr Blackledge advised that it was hoped some of the £500,000 VAT rebate could be used to invest in facilities. The Council was also in discussion with Sport England regarding work required and investment planning.


The Committee discussed the extensive investment in facilities at Stanley Park and recorded a vote of thanks to Parks staff for the recent commendation it had received. Concern was expressed that other parks did not receive investment to the same extent, however, the Committee noted the excellent job undertaken by the Friends of Parks Associations in Blackpool. It was also noted that Stanley Park was a fantastic facility widely used by the community.


The Committee agreed to receive a report in six months focussing on income generation (including funding applications), maintenance of equipment and facilities and patronage.

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