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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered planning application 17/0505, 40 Chorley Road, Blackpool that sought planning permission for the erection of a two storey building to form a freezer cold storage and office space, with associated equipment compound, 15 space car park, new vehicular access from Chorley Road, and a 2 metre high boundary fence.


Mr Johnston, Head of Development Management, presented the Committee with an overview of the application and the existing site layout plan and the proposed site layout, elevational plan, location plan and aerial views of the site.  He reported on previous planning approval granted at the site which included permission in 2003 for the building on the main part of the site that had no restriction on its hours of operation.  He also advised Members that an application for a building on the site now proposed had been approved in 2008 and that the current application represented a variation on the previous approval.  Further approval in 2011 for a refrigeration/cold store at the back of the site imposed a condition to restrict the hours of delivery to the cold store from 6pm and 8.30am on Mondays to Fridays and not at all on Sundays.


The Committee was referred to the site layout plans which demonstrated the relationship between the site and neighbouring properties and the proposed vehicle movement within the site. The measures undertaken to safeguard the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties in terms of noise were reported and Mr Johnston referred to a sound report that had indicated that the level of noise would be below the ambient background noise level.  He also confirmed that Environmental Protection had not raised any concerns with the development.  Mr Johnston highlighted the intended hours of operation of the extended site which were 6.00am to 01.00am on Mondays to Fridays, 8.30am to 1.30pm on Saturdays and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


Mr Wolfe, the applicant’s agent, accompanied by Mr Hitchen, Managing Director, Trevors Foodservice and Ms Lovatt, Business Support Manager, Trevors Foodservice, spoke in support of the application.  Mr Wolfe advised the Committee on the need for expansion due to the growth in business and reported on the benefits to the community in terms of increased local employment opportunities and apprenticeships.  He also reported on close working with the Council’s planning officers and the design changes made to the application to address concerns relating to visual impact and noise.  He reported on the requirement for the requested hours in sustaining the future viability of the business.  He clarified that he did not anticipate that vehicle movements would normally take place during the later hours of operation on weekdays.


The Committee questioned the feasibility of vehicles manoeuvring within the site and was advised that a tracking plan in the transport assessment confirmed that it was achievable.  Mr Johnston reported on his view of the advantage of the current proposal in easing traffic congestion on Chorley Road.


The Committee considered the proposed operating hours and noted the issues raised by the objectors. Members considered the operating hours to be excessive and raised concerns regarding the potential impact on the amenity of nearby residents in terms of noise and disturbance. However it also noted that, should the Committee be so minded, it could only impose restrictions on the operating hours of the proposed new development and that there would be no such constraints imposed on the existing site.  It also acknowledged the limitations of imposing such restrictions on a partial area of the site. 


The Committee requested a commitment from the operator to act responsibly and to continue ongoing dialogue with residents. Mr Wolfe reported on the intention to continue with regular meetings with the local community to resolve any concerns and agreed that local councillors would be invited to attend community events.




1.      That the application be approved subject to the conditions and for the reasons set out in the appendix to the minutes.

2.      To request the operator to act responsibly in terms of its hours of operation and to continue to work with local residents and councillors to resolve any future concerns.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


Supporting documents: