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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered planning application 17/0457, Site of Former Arnold School, Lytham Road, that sought planning permission for the re-development of existing school site including erection of three storey building north of Arnold Avenue to form secondary school block, erection of single storey front extension to existing primary school building, south of Arnold Avenue, and external alterations including replacement windows, doors and cladding, refurbishment of existing sports hall and design centre including replacement windows and doors and installation of new external escape staircases to side elevations of design centre, formation of three Multi Use Games Areas ( MUGAs) and associated landscaping, cycle stores and car parking, including formation of new 36 space car park accessed from Arnold Avenue, following demolition of existing secondary school buildings.


Mr Shaw, Principal Planning Officer, presented the Committee with an overview of the application and the proposed site layout, elevational plan, location plan and aerial views of the site.  He reported on negotiations that had addressed initial safety concerns raised by the Head of Highways and Traffic Management, subject to an amendment to proposed condition 12 to include reference to the relocation of the existing pedestrian crossing on Lytham Road.  Mr Shaw added that Sport England had also withdrawn its initial objection, subject to a condition being attached to the permission, if granted, requiring the approval of the design and layout of the playing fields.  Mr Shaw also reported on the Locally Listed buildings within the site and confirmed that the former headmaster’s house, considered to be the most significant heritage asset, together with the cobbled wall and existing trees south of Arnold Avenue would be retained. 


In response to the Chairman, Mr Shaw confirmed that the Multi Use Games Areas would be restricted to use by the school to safeguard the amenity of nearby residents.


Ms Middlemiss, the Development’s Project Manager, spoke in support of the application and reported on the achievements of the Fylde Coast Academy Trust in terms of improving educational standards within Blackpool and the consultation events that had demonstrated a high level of support for the development. Ms Delaney, the applicant’s agent, also spoke in support of the application and advised on the amendments made to the original application to address concerns raised by Environmental Protection, the Head of Highways and Traffic Management and Sport England and presented her view that there were no outstanding technical matters to prevent the application being approved.  She advised that the expected opening date for the school was September 2018.


Responding to questions from the Committee, it was noted that there would be allocated spaces for pick up/drop off for nursery children and that there would be no restriction on the community use of the playing fields.  Mr Patel, Group Engineer, Traffic Management reported on the availability of bus stops near the school and confirmed that a travel plan would be undertaken in the long term which would include a review of parking provision. 


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and including an amendment to condition 12 to include reference to the relocation of the existing pedestrian crossing on Lytham Road, and for the reasons set out in the appendix to the minutes.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


NOTE:  Councillor Hutton, having declared a prejudicial interest, left the room during consideration of this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the application.


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